카테고리 없음

음주 송

zik 2006. 1. 8. 16:21

A Drinking Song

음주 송


        by William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

        번역(transl.): 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



술은 입가로.../ 사랑은 눈으로...

믿을 건 이밖에 없네.../ 늙어 죽을 때까지...


술잔 들어 입가로 가져가네...

그대 보며 한숨짓네...

WINE comes in at the mouth

And love comes in at the eye;

That's all we shall know for truth

Before we grow old and die.

I lift the glass to my mouth,

I look at you, and sigh.



※ Yeats




... It was William Butler Yeats who said, "The intellect of man is forced to choose perfection of the life or of the work, and if he take the second, must refuse a heavenly mansion raging in the dark." (-Garrison Keillor)



The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor: A Drinking Song ...

American Public Media




.... Living bodily life as an end in itself, cherishing the sensual moment, is hardly what we expect of the Platonist. But "A Drinking Song" is not the response of a Platonist who intends to have his illusion and reality, too, for the sensual is (as far as we can know in ...

-Frank Lentricchia



※ The Gaiety of Language: An Essay on the Radical Poetics of W. B. ... - Google 도서 검색결과 (p. 89)
