카테고리 없음

사랑 이야기

zik 2024. 8. 31. 02:38


사랑 이야기


       by Philip Larkin (19221985)

       번역(transl.): 김종인(Zong-in Kim



사랑이 어려운 건/ 지나치게

이기적인 때문은 아닐까...


존재 뒤엎는 눈먼 고집으로

자신의 이익만을 앞세워




The difficult park of love

Is being selfish enough,

Is having the blind persistence

To upset an existence

Just for your own sake.

What cheek it must take.


이기심을 전제 않는 상황서

만족은 어떻게 얻을까...?


타인을 우선한 나머지

자신은 최악의 길을 걷고...?


자신 삶은 자신 위한 것이니

중력도 무시해야겠지...

And then the unselfish side

How can you be satisfied,

Putting someone else first

So that you come off worst?

My life is for me.

As well ignore gravity.


악랄/후덕(함)을 떠나/ 대부분 사람들은

사랑 속에서 일상을 맞고 보내지만


잘못된 방식의 이기적인 자들은

언제나 좌절의 맛 보게 돼 있지...



못 받으면서...

Still, vicious or virtuous,

Love suits most of us.

Only the bleeder found

Selfish this wrong way round

Is ever wholly rebuffed,

And he can get stuffed.



Philip Larkin | No Other Appetite


https://unexpurgatedme.wordpress.com category ph...



“get stuffed”: (idiom.) chiefly British, informal. used as an angry and rude way to tell someone to go away or to leave one alone. When they refused to consider him for the promotion he told them they could get stuffed.

(https://forum.wordreference.com ...



in “Love” Larkin’s speaker assumes an untraditional perspective on the notion of love as a selfish affair to criticise people engaging in romantic relationships for the audacity to interfere with someone else’s life, which is just as reprehensible as letting oneself be at the other’s disposal and thus putting oneself in an unfavourable position. ...

-(Masarykova univerzita)



Solitude, Distance, and Proximity in the Poetry of Philip Larki

Masarykova univerzita

https://is.muni.cz vjufh Thesis