카테고리 없음

12월을 노래함

zik 2024. 1. 10. 12:20


12월을 노래함


       by David Baker1)

       번역: 김종인 (Zong-In Kim)



한 시간도

안 돼



점차로 사라지다

온동네 정전인 듯





나무들/ 쌓인 눈들

더 볼 수 없고





이제 밤 오고

식사 때라 멍/멍 짖다


콧등 위에 발 얹어

웅크린 모습 보인다...

Instead, there is an hour, a moment,

a slight fading of the light like a loss of power


in the neighborhood. Then it's dark. You can't see

the trees any more, the old snow, the dog that barks


from the door of his shed because it's night now

and time to be fed. Is he huddled now, over his paws?


캐나다 거위

한 마리


헛간 지붕 위로

닿을 듯 날아가


그 흔적 좇아

귀 쫑긋 세운다...

And one Canada goose so low in passing

above the barn you still hear the shadow.



Verse Daily Archives (November 20, 2019)


http://www.versedaily.org archives



1): David Baker's latest book, Swift: New and Selected Poems, was published .... Baker is Poetry Editor of The Kenyon Review and teaches at Denison University in Granville, Ohio.


hear: 에 귀를 기울이다(listen to),

shadow: 모습, 초상