카테고리 없음

결혼 초년생 눈에 비치는 일그러진 사랑 이야기

zik 2021. 2. 10. 13:35

Love Sonnet (Broken into By America) in the First Year of Our Marriage

결혼 초년생 눈에 비치는 일그러진 사랑 이야기


        by Ephraim Scott Sommers1)

        (부분 번역): 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



2018년에 미국민 1,165명을 경찰이 사살했고

전국적으론 참전 용사 5,000명이 총으로 자살했지...


아낸 국수물에 보이지 않는 사랑 글 후-/후- 불어 써넣어 가며

샌들/짧은 반바지에 선글라스 끼고 거실 햇살받이서 춤추고...

Police shot and killed 1,165 Americans in 2018.

5,000 American veterans committed suicide with a gun in 2018.

My wife blowing invisible love notes across her noodle soup. Dancing, my wife

in sunshine, in sandals, in cutoff shorts, in sunshades, in our living room. My wife.


2018년에 미국 흑인 215명을 경찰이 사살했고

전국적으론 미국민 22,000명이 총으로 자살했지...


토요일 오후 적갈색 리본의 아내 갈색 머리

노란 자전거 뒤로 날리는 그 모습 새인가...

Police shot and killed 215 black Americans in 2018.

22,000 Americans committed suicide with a gun in 2018.

Maroon ribbon on a Saturday afternoon in my wife's hair.

Behind the yellow bicycle, like birds, my wife's brown hair.


Americans shot and killed 3,804 Afghan civilians in 2018.

Americans shot 3,943 American kids in 2018.

Our country of marriage. My love. My wife. A bright lozenge.

The words rolling along my tongue like a watermelon lozenge.


My wife and I and 207 glasses of chardonnay on Sunday evenings in 2018.

In 2018, Americans shot and killed 11,984 American people.



※ Verse Daily Archives (February 3, 2021)

www.versedaily.org › archives



1):  a singer-songwriter, poet, and essayist, is the author of Someone You Love Is Still Alive (2019), winner of the 2019 Jacar Press Book Award, and The Night We Set the Dead Kid on Fire, winner of the 2016 Patricia Bibby First Book Award. He is currently an Assistant Professor of English at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina.