카테고리 없음

곳간을 노래함

zik 2017. 5. 11. 15:01

The Barn

곳간을 노래함


        by Seamus Heaney (1939–2013)

        (부분)번역(transl.): 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



털어낸 낟알옥수순(/옥수/수는) 두 귀 단 마대모양자루에

귀중하게 모셔져 빈틈없이 쌓여있고/ 농기구/마구/쟁기날들이


마치 병기고에 채워둔 무기들인 듯

(어렴풋이 드러나는) 곰팡내 나는 어둑한 (이곳의)

Threshed corn lay piled like grit of ivory

Or solid as cement in two-lugged sacks.

The musty dark hoarded an armoury

Of farmyard implements, harness, plough-socks.


바닥은 평탄한 회색의 콘크리트라

냉기가 도는데다/ 창하나 없어...

The floor was mouse-grey, smooth, chilly concrete.


There were no windows, just two narrow shafts

Of gilded motes, crossing, from air-holes slit

High in each gable. The one door meant no drafts


All summer when the zinc burned like an oven.

A scythe’s edge, a clean spade, a pitch-fork’s prongs:

Slowly bright objects formed when you went in.

Then you felt cobwebs clogging up your lungs


And scuttled fast into the sunlit yard –

And into nights when bats were on the wing

Over the rafters of sleep, where bright eyes stared

From piles of grain in corners, fierce, unblinking.


The dark gulfed like a roof-space. I was chaff

To be pecked up when birds shot through the air-slits.

I lay face-down to shun the fear above.

The two-lugged sacks moved in like great blind rats. (1980)



※ Teaching Poetry: Reading and Responding to Poetry in the Secondary ... (p. 69)




"Threshed corn": (cf.): This machine can effectively tear the corn outside the skin (옥수수표피) and threshing, and threshed corn does not hurt the corn on the cob(옥수수속대), not to hurt corn kernels.


"grit of ivory": something valuable.

(※ [PPT] grit of ivory



grit: a coarse-grained siliceous rock, usu. with sharp, angular grains.



musty: smelling or tasting old, stale, or mouldy.




.... It must be emphasized that the perspective belongs to a child, not only when the speaker valorizes the farmyard implements but also when he demonizes the inevitable encroachments of nature. ...

-Floyd Collins



※ Seamus Heaney: The Crisis of Identity
