카테고리 없음

송어를 노래함

zik 2017. 5. 1. 17:35


송어를 노래함


        by Seamus Heaney (1939–2013)

        번역(transl.): 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



통/통한 몸통으로 아치다리 밑 수심 깊은 데서 어슬렁대거나

물목 좁은 통로를 버터 바른 듯 매끄럽게 빠져나가는 (녀석)...

Hangs, a fat gun-barrel,

deep under arched bridges

or slips like butter down

the throat of the river.


자두 껍질인 듯 말랑/말랑한 살갗 가진 녀석 물속 깊은 데서

황소눈알대가리로 풀(/수초)씨앗/나방류 덮쳐 씨 말려버리고

From the depths smooth-skinned as plums

his muzzle gets bull’s eye;

picks off grass-seed and moths

that vanish, torpedoed.


물 흐름 순탄하여 얕아진 자갈바닥 물목 지날 때면 몸을

뉘인 자세로 하얀 뱃살 드러내 쓴 살같이 (퍼덕이며) 나아가지...

Where water unravels

over gravel-beds he

is fired from the shallows

white belly reporting


추적자인 양 돌진하다 돌들 사일 지날 땐 되 튕겨오는 탄환처럼

하나 지침 없이 돌 사일 총알 같이 빠져나가는 냉수성 물고기(/동물)


일렬로 떼 지어

물살 거슬러 올라...

flat; darts like a tracer-

bullet back between stones

and is never burnt out.

A volley of cold blood


ramrodding the current.



※ Death of a Naturalist - Google 도서 검색결과




Hang: Hang (around) (by Kim)


throat: A narrow passage.



river: A large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake, or other body of water and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries.



muzzle: The forward, discharging end of the barrel of a firearm.



torpedo: To destroy decisively.



report: To present oneself.



flat: Being in horizontal position; lying down.



burnt out: burned out: Worn out or exhausted, especially as a result of long-term stress.



volley: A simultaneous discharge of a number of bullets or other projectiles.



ramrod: A rod used to clean the barrel of a firearm. 탄약 꽂을대.




.... Not only metaphor and simile, but sentence structure and word order also shed light on the violence towards the animal. With enjambment, the double meaning appears, not only to show the derailment of communication, but also to evoke sympathy from the poem. ...




※ Violence Revealed: Comparison and Double Meaning in “Trout” by ...




.... Another metaphor is “his muzzle gets bull’s eye”. We often state muzzle as in the end of a gun and associate bull’s eye with a bow and arrow two lethal weapons. Also it indicates the fish is very precise and accurate making it seem more fatal and powerful. ...



※ An Analysis of the Poem Trout and Death of a Naturalist by Seamus ...
