카테고리 없음

사랑구걸 땐 무릎 (꿇어)...

zik 2011. 8. 23. 19:18


When a Lover is a Beggar

사랑구걸 땐 무릎 (꿇어)...


       by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

       번역(transl.): 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



사랑구걸 땐 무릎 (꿇어)

불쌍하던 이가


그 사랑 갖고 나니

딴 사람 되는구나...

When a Lover is a Beggar

Abject is his Knee --

When a Lover is an Owner

Different is he --


준 쪽이 이제

구걸하는 입장 되다니...


오- 세상에 이런 불균형

달리 또 있을까...


진정한 사랑(/하늘의 양식)은

배반으로 돌아올 치욕 같은


불노소득은 (첨부터)

멀리 해야 하는 것을...

What he begged is then the Beggar --

Oh disparity --

Bread of Heaven resents bestowal

Like an obloquy --



※ Emily Dickinson - Poems and Biography by AmericanPoems.com




Beggar: Suitor; unrequited devotee; one pursuing romance.



bestowal: unearned gift.



obloquy: The condition of disgrace suffered as a result of abuse or vilification; ill repute.




.... (위 시 text 참조) Here Dickinson does not revise or correct a Patmorian metaphor, nor fill a lacuna, but instead, accepting Patmore's ...




Imagine a Lover who goes down on one knee, asking for a return of love. When that love is bestowed upon her so that she becomes its Owner, the person who bestowed it may become a beggar, in his turn asking for a return of love. In fact true love or ...
