카테고리 없음

키웨스트 바닷가(의) 질서를 노래함

zik 2022. 12. 28. 12:27

The Idea of Order at Key West

키웨스트 바닷가(의) 질서를 노래함


       by Wallace Stevens

       (부분)번역(transl.): 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



바다의 뮤즈 신도 못 따를

저 여인 고운 노래라니...(!)


정신도 목소리도 없는 (성체인 듯)

몸체만 지닌 저 바다가 내는 소리


펄럭이는 옷 소매

(형체 없는 바람)인가...


부단한 저 바다 외침은

여인 노래 모방(하는) 기도인가...


그 외침 사람들 익히 듣(/

들어 알)고 있긴 하지만


진정한 바다 소리

비인간() 소린 것을...(!)

She sang beyond the genius of the sea.

The water never formed to mind or voice,

Like a body wholly body, fluttering

Its empty sleeves; and yet its mimic motion

Made constant cry, caused constantly a cry,

That was not ours although we understood,

Inhuman, of the veritable ocean.


여인도 바다도

진면목 가림은 아니지...


벗을 줄 모르는 두건1)

슬픔 외치는 저 바다


노래로 산책 나선 여인과

바탕한 자리 엄연히 달라


여인 노래 바다 소리 담으려도

노래와 소리 간 뒤섞임 모름은


여인 노래 마디/마디

(너무) 또렷한 때문인 것을...


여인 내뱉는 마디/마디.../ 굽이치는 바다와

숨 몰아쉬는 바람 소리들() 녹아든2) 모양새


귀에 들리긴/ 바다 아닌

여인(의 음성뿐)...

The sea was not a mask. No more was she.

The song and water were not medleyed sound

Even if what she sang was what she heard,

Since what she sang was uttered word by word.

It may be that in all her phrases stirred

The grinding water and the gasping wind;

But it was she and not the sea we heard.


여인이 부르는 노랜 자신의

창조서 비롯하기에


벗을 줄 모르는 두건 차림

슬픔 안은 바단(/바다는)


노래로 산책하는

여인 곁 자리할 뿐인데


뮤즈 신3) 소리(로 들리는 이건

도대체) 누구의 소리란 말인가...?


신의 소린가 했는데

여인() 부른 소린 것을...


단지 난해한 바다 소리일 따름인가...

아님 거무스레한 파도(/물결)들인가...


멀리 떨어진 하늘/구름 소릴 따름인가...

아님 산호초들 둘러싼 (바다) 물속 소린가...


지극히 또렷/또렷 들려오는

소린데도 저편 멀리서


들리는 (정신도 목소리도 없는

성체4)인 듯) 하늘 심층부서


그칠 줄 모르고 반복 울리는

여름 소리... 오로지 그 소리만...


하지만 이건

그 이상이다...


여인의 목소릴



바람과 함께 굴러떨어지5)며

우리 (둘의) 소리까지도 묻어버리니...


연극적 거리로 펼쳐진 시계(界에 덩어리(/

덩어리져 드리워)황갈색(일몰)에다


(더할 나위 없는) 하늘/바다

깊고 그윽한 풍취(風趣) 있어...(!)

For she was the maker of the song she sang.

The ever-hooded, tragic-gestured sea

Was merely a place by which she walked to sing.

Whose spirit is this? we said, because we knew

It was the spirit that we sought and knew

That we should ask this often as she sang.

If it was only the dark voice of the sea

That rose, or even colored by many waves;

If it was only the outer voice of sky

And cloud, of the sunken coral water-walled,

However clear, it would have been deep air,

The heaving speech of air, a summer sound

Repeated in a summer without end

And sound alone. But it was more than that,

More even than her voice, and ours, among

The meaningless plungings of water and the wind,

Theatrical distances, bronze shadows heaped

On high horizons, mountainous atmospheres

Of sky and sea.


(태양 보내고) 홀로 남게 된 하늘

(홀로 되는 그) 순간 자칫 놓칠세라


햇살이 자취 감추기 직전 절정의

한순간 빚는 여인의 목소리라니...(!)


세상 둘도 없을6) 노래/ 저 여인 노래

부를 때/ 바단 그저 바다일 뿐이고...


홀로 산책 나서/서 노래 지어 부르는

져 노래 말곤 세상 넘볼 게 없는 듯

                It was her voice that made

The sky acutest at its vanishing.

She measured to the hour its solitude.

She was the single artificer of the world

In which she sang. And when she sang, the sea,

Whatever self it had, became the self

That was her song, for she was the maker. Then we,

As we beheld her striding there alone,

Knew that there never was a world for her

Except the one she sang and, singing, made.




(여인의) 노래부르기()

끝난 이제 우리가 마을(/


키웨스트)로 돌아간담

있쟎아...그땐 말이지...


닻 내려 고기잡는 저

() 무표정한 조명등이


깊어가는 밤하늘 차일치는

바다 분배7) 주역으로 나서선


화려한 모양 나뉘는 구역들에

환히 번뜩이는 돛대들로


정연하게 조정된 매혹의 밤

깊어가던 얘길 내게 들려주렴...

Ramon Fernandez, tell me, if you know,

Why, when the singing ended and we turned

Toward the town, tell why the glassy lights,

The lights in the fishing boats at anchor there,

As the night descended, tilting in the air,

Mastered the night and portioned out the sea,

Fixing emblazoned zones and fiery poles,

Arranging, deepening, enchanting night.


Oh! Blessed rage for order, pale Ramon,

The maker’s rage to order words of the sea,

Words of the fragrant portals, dimly-starred,

And of ourselves and of our origins,

In ghostlier demarcations, keener sounds.



The Idea of Order at Key West by Wallace Stevens

https://www.poetryfoundation.org Poems



wholly: --> [also] holy

“empty sleeves”: (cf.): ... She fills her nights with dreams of a man with empty sleeves, the only man who can never let her down.

1): "Ever-hooded" could be a physical description of wavesthe way the face of the wave is covered or hooded as the wave breaks.

2): The word "stir" brings with it the feeling of something awakening or coming to life.

3): spirit: --> "genius" from line 1.

4): Heaving: --> (stanza 1). The sea is lacking the refinements of mind or voice.

(https://www.shmoop.com study-guides poetry ide...)

inhuman: --> Does 'inhuman' describe the sea's voice, or the 'we' who understand it by losing ourselves in the 'veritable ocean'? Or are we just imagining this, like the 'mind ... (-Peter Howarth)

(The Cambridge Introduction to Modernist Poetry (p. 136)



5): plungings of water”: 파도 포말(泡沫) (by Kim)

”deep air“: (cf.): deep sky

”Theatrical distance“: 연극적 거리. (cf.): 무대공간의 변화는 연극적 거리의 문제 즉 환각에서 벗어나는 문제와 ...

6): single artificer: (cf.): the Great Artificer

"to the hour": --> with exactness

7): 조명등 불빛이 비치는 부분과 그렇지 않은 부분: “portioned out the sea”: --> The lights divide up the unknowable darkness, expanse and depth of the sea at nightthe lights order the sea into "emblazoned zones and fiery poles.“

(https://www.shmoop.com study-guides poetry ide...)



... The sea makes a sound, but also causes a sound. We are starting to get a sense of the sea as inspiration or cause for the song. But if we know Stevens, this is an oversimplification of the relationship between the singer and the sea. ...



The Idea of Order at Key West Introduction | Shmoop

https://www.shmoop.com study-guides poetry ide...


... The speaker pits mind against Nature’s "body wholly body," singer's song against the "meaningless plungings of water and the wind," the glassy lights of the town against the darkness of the sea, and language against the ...

-Gyorgyi Voros



on "The Idea of Order at Key West"




.... Stevens was always looking for signs, wherever his journeys took him. He discerned such a sign, an idea of order (an intimation of immortality, perhaps), in the whisper of a song above the ocean waves that mingled with them and ...

-David Jenkins



TRANS Nr. 16: David Jenkins (Plovdiv University, Bulgaria ...
