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외로운 거리서 사랑에 불붙인 듯...

zik 2022. 2. 12. 22:28

The Lonely Street

외로운 거리서 사랑에 불붙인 듯...


       by William Carlos Williams(1883~1963)

       번역: 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



터벅-/터벅- 걷기엔 턱없이 덥지만

방과 후라 해방된 기분 한껏 즐기며


가볍게 날리는

드레스 차림으로






커버린 데다


하나같이 오른손에 들고 있는

분홍 빛 보이는 건/ 솜사탕...


아래/위가 하양으로

통일된 옷/스타킹에


노랑/검정 허리띠

맨 위치는 서로 다른1)




오른손에 카네이션꽃인 듯

들고 있던 분홍 막대사탕을


탐욕스런 입으로

(거침없이) 가져감은


외로운 거리서

사랑에 불붙인 듯2)...

School is over. It is too hot

to walk at ease. At ease

in light frocks they walk the streets

to while the time away.

They have grown tall. They hold

pink flames in their right hands.

In white from head to foot,

with sidelong, idle look--

in yellow, floating stuff,

black sash and stockings--

touching their avid mouths

with pink sugar on a stick--

like a carnation each holds in her hand--

they mount the lonely street.



※ Poets' Corner - William Carlos Williams - Sour Grapes - The ...

https://www.theotherpages.org › poems › wcw-sg3



1): 각자의 키가 다름. (by Kim)


2): “they mount the lonely street”: --> ... their avid mouths, the pink sugar, the "mounting" of the street (instead of ascending or strolling or walking or anything else). It is an evocation of an erotic feeling that will not be satisfied.

(-Patrick J. Vaz)

(※ Poem of the Week 2014/28 - The Reverberate Hills

https://reverberatehills.blogspot.com › 2014/07 › poem...)



... Stopping traffic and stalling glance's the tacky oversensitivity of the girls' young sexuality,

suggested in the way they "touch" their "avid mouths“ pink sugar on sticks, ... (-Elisa New)



※ The Line's Eye: Poetic Experience, American Sight (pp. 174-175)

https://books.google.co.kr › books



... Only the reader who sees beyond the even tranquility can perceive

the double perspective, which in turn ... (-David L. Walker)



※ The Transparent Lyric: Reading and Meaning in the Poetry of ... (p. 138)

https://books.google.co.kr › books