카테고리 없음

사랑하는 수지에게(-1)

zik 2018. 2. 27. 20:18

Dear Susie(-1)

사랑하는 수지에게(-1)


        by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)  

        번역(transl.): 김종인(Zong-in Kim)



[about December 1850]

Thursday noon.

Were it not for the weather Susie --

my little, unwelcome face would come

peering in today -- I should steal a kiss

from the sister -- the darling Rover re-

turned -- Thank the wintry wind my

dear one -- that spares such daring in-

trusion! Dear Susie -- happy Susie -- I rejoice

in all your Joy -- sustained by that dear

sister you will never again be lonely.

Dont forget all the little friends who

have tried so hard to be sisters, when

indeed you were alone!


날씨만 궂지 않담 내 작고 환영받지 못하는

(이) 얼굴로(나마 저 세상 떠난) 언닐 찾아


(정처 없이 떠돌아다니는 그(영혼)에

정겨운 안부) 키슬 드릴 수도 있지만


내 짝 찬바람 불어 무모한

일에 나서지 못하게 하나...!


(친구) 수지...


친굴 (그처럼) 아끼던 언니(영혼)에 힘 얻어
외로움 떨친 그 기쁨엔 나도 함께할 게...


친구가 외로움에 빠져있을 때 (친)자매로 가까이
하고 싶어 하던 우정 어린 벗들(도) 잊진 말아주길...!

You do not hear the wind blow on this

inclement day, when the world is shrug-

ging it's shoulders -- your little "Columbarium

is lined with warmth and softness,"

there is no "silence" there -- so you differ from

bonnie "Alice." I miss one angel face in

the little world of sisters -- dear Mary --

sainted Mary -- Remember lonely one -- tho'

she comes not to us, we shall return to

her! My love to both your sisters -- and

I want so much to see Matty.


궂은 날 바람 사람들 어깨 움츠리게 하지만
(언니)당신에게 바람소리 들리지 않음은


묘실 안이 부드럽고 온화한 기운들로
(한가득) 차 있기 때문이지요...


거긴 "죽음" 없어 (언니)당신은
예쁘장한 "앨리스"1)완 다르지요...


(천사)자매들 세상(으로 가신)
(당신)얼굴이 (못내) 그립답니다...


성도 마리아...
사랑의 마리아...


(가신) 언니 우리에게 오시지 못해 외로워도
우린 그 곁으로 갈 수 있단 걸 생각하며...


두 언니2)(특별히 보고 싶은
매티 언니)에게 안부 좀 전해줘... 

          Very aff yours, Emily

           삼가 에밀리 씀  



Open Me Carefully - The New York Times



Measures of Possibility: Emily Dickinson's Manuscripts (pp. 57-58)




In this letter Emily refers to Susan's sister Mary, who died on July 14, 1850. In December, Susan's sister Martha ("Matty") came from ..." Throughout the correspondence, and

long before Susan is actually her sister-in-law, Emily addresses Susan as "Sister."



"face (would) come peering": (cf.): See your face come peering/ Thro' my window


Rover: a person who spends their time wandering.


happy: causing joy or gladness.


little: endearingly familiar; dear.


silence: Death; state beyond this life.


bonnie: bonny: Physically attractive or appealing; pretty.


1): The allusion to "Alice" is to Alice Archer of Longfellow's Kavanagh (1849) ...



remember: Think about; care about; consider fondly.

2):  Harriet (Mrs. William Cutler) and Martha
